On Sunday, May 2, 2010, I received a phone call from a church friend from my formal church informing me that one of the youth, now an adult, was killed and that the funeral was going to be held on Monday, May 3, 2010.
At first, I could not remember who this youth was for his street name is “Pool.” Then I remembered, and I did not feel as bad as I should have about Pool’s death. Why, you may ask? Pool chose the gang life. When I tried to work with Pool, he was 16-years-old; he had dropped out of school and joined the street gang. I had provided all I had to offer to help Pool, but it was Pool’s choice. I gave him every opportunity that I gave to each youth in his circle. Pool tried to intimidate me on several occasions; he never went through with the threats because he knew he would have gotten a beat-down from the other gang members and youth who were not afraid of him.
In addition, my formal church friend told me that an email was sent stating “there was 10, 9 more to go.” We all know what that means.
(I know that God did not tell me to leave the church or the ministry that I was chosen to do in that community, but I was just so hurt and angry. It has been 8 years since I ministered in that community. I know that I have to go back and complete the work. Each time, I am told that a youth of mine has been killed or has sunken deeper into a life of destruction, I know I must go back. Because of this, I placed an ad on Craig’s List seeking angel investors and donations, for I need a place and I need money to operate. I am a 501 C-3 Tax Exempt organization, but one needs to be connected politically to get money or to have effective Board members to join and help. I have neither, and I refuse to play politics that compromise my integrity.)
Many thoughts about Pool went through my mind. It was not only Pool that I tried to help but his’ younger sister and brother, too. Pool’s brother is the only one that I know I could help right now. Pool’s sister has made her choice to to live a life of destruction, too. All had been given an opportunity to change his or her life and to live as positive productive people and citizens.
I kept wondering what excuses Pool will give to God when God calls Pool to give an account for his actions before he is sentenced to eternal damnation.
I kept wondering did Pool repent from his sins so his soul was saved.
I kept wondering did Pool forgive those who had hurt him including himself.
I kept wondering about Pool’s family and all Pool’s associates.
I kept wondering about Pool’s gang associates.
I kept wondering if it was too late to help save them – the other 9.
I just kept wondering.
I knew if I did attend the funeral there would be wall-to-wall gang members of whom I tried to help. I knew that I would have been a reminder of the many opportunities they had to make an intelligent decision about the life they live. Perhaps if I would have attended, I could have been the hope to many of the now young adults who knew I tried to help them.
As I kept wondering about them, I then began to wonder about me. I wonder would I give God excuses, too, when God asked me about the sins I committed when I have to give an account for my actions? I wonder what I will tell God before I pass out from God’s glory.
How many times have we been given the opportunity to make an intelligent decisions about the choices we make or to change our negative behaviors or lives of sin? How many times do we make excuses for the stupid stuff we do? How many times do we make excuses instead of coming clean and take responsibility for our actions.
Many may say, “It was just Pool’s time.”
Many may say God took “Pool” home.
Neither statement is true. First, God promises that we will live a long life when we honor our parents and when we follow God statues. Secondly, God said that trouble will come but not by Him. God always sends us a way out of our circumstances.
Many have died “too young” or “have been taken” because of the choice he or she made. God gives each of us free will. It is up to each of us to decide on how we should live our lives. If God says in the Holy Bible not to do a certain thing then we are not to do it. If God says in the Holy Bible that a certain life style is an abomination unto Him, then we need to just STOP-IT! We must stop making excuses.
Many of us are in denial when we choose to do the opposite of what God or others have warned us not to do. We open ourselves to sickness, disease and other sins because of our disobedience. We open ourselves up to an early death because of our disobedience.
Many of us are too afraid to make a positive change for the better because we fear the unknown. We fear that we will fail if we try to make a positive change. Many have chosen to live a life of hell when he or she does not have to. Then we make excuses for why we did not make the right decisions. Then we regret not making the right decisions.
The truth of the matter is that Pool made a choice to die at an early age. Pool chose to live the gang life. The sad part is that Pool was very smart and talented. Pool could have been a top corporate executive if he had chosen to live a life that would have produced positive outcomes. Many gang members could be top executives, for he or she can organize, implement, provide projections, etc.
What I love most about God is that God always gives us new grace and mercy each day that we live. Each day, we have hundreds of opportunities to make intelligent positive decisions. Each day goodness and mercy follows us even when we do not deserve it. Each day, we have hundreds of opportunities to be a blessing to someone else.
God is always there. God always sends not just one person but several people to bless us with those opportunities to make a positive change. Each day, God blesses us to have an opportunity to become a blessing to a stranger or someone in need. Each day we have an opportunity to forgive and to forgive ourselves.
We have no excuses for disobedience. We have no excuses for not being a blessing to someone, not just our friends, associates, or family members. An excuse is just a made up lie.
What excuse will you give God when you must give an account of the sins you committed or when God asks you how you helped Him bless a stranger in need?