Gosh! I would be very wealthy profiting from the phrase “I AM GROWN! I have heard this phrase repeatedly from young adults. This phrase is especially use when young adults do not want to embrace wisdom or teaching from older folks like myself. Most of the time, I hear “I am grown from young women” while they twist their heads around like the girl in the Exorcist – possess!
I have a young woman whom I have known since 17 years old. She did not have a surrogate mother to guide her. I had, off and on; rear her little girl who was 4 years old at that time. Her little girl is now 14 years old. I consider her as my “daughter” and her daughter as my “granddaughter.” She has three little boys whom I consider them as my “grandsons.”
Recently my “daughter” posted a provocative picture on Facebook. The picture displays her dancing close to the bottom of the floor. They call it “drop-in.” A Youngman commented on my comments for he assumed that I was judging her. I was displeased with the picture. I let her know that I was displeased because she is a mother. A mother is to respect herself so her children will honor her; she is a Christian. A Christian should have the character as a Christian. Finally, no one should ever post anything that may negatively affect one’s character. The consequences will be more that one may have wanted.
For example, many have been hindered from receiving good employment with good pay as well as many have lost their jobs. Many celebrities, politicians, executives, and others have lost their positive reputations, endorsements, and wealth because of just ONE thing he or she may have done wrong. All it takes is just ONE poor judgment call that may ruin his or hers life for a long time. In addition, there are always spiritually consequences for the choices we make as well. Are your choices, which may seem innocent, worth the consequences? What is the purpose of why you would do certain things? How do they benefit your accomplishments or goals in life?
As a minister, I have a covenant with God. My covenant responsibilities are to take care of God’s sheep. One responsibility is to provide the spiritual and moral tools to help anyone make good decisions that will not spiritually hinder him or her. Spiritually and morally, I am accountable to each person that I encounter. In addition, I am prophet, so I cannot mess us – oh the pressure! I will be in jeopardy of losing my soul to hell if I do not honor my covenant as a minister and prophet. This is why I do not take my “calling” as a joke nor do I operate in my flesh when I prophesized. I have enough stuff I have to answer for!
As a Christian older (mature) woman, I am responsible to teach the younger women according to the Book of Titus in the Holy Bible’s New Testament. In chapter two it states; “the older women, likewise, that they be in behavior as becomes holiness, not false accusers, not given to much wine, teachers of good things.” That they may teach the young women to be sober, to love their husbands, to love their children.” Before I can teach anyone, my character and my behavior must be a certain way. I must be a woman of wisdom and my behavior must be one of Christian character (Please read “God! I Want to Sin”).
My “daughter” has many surrogate mothers who think it is okay to do whatever they want. All he or she has to do is ask for forgiveness from God. God will always forgive him or her. He or she must understand that one will endure the consequences of their behavior good or bad. Yes! God will forgive you if you ask for forgiveness, but you still must reap the consequences. My “daughter” tends to listen to these surrogate mothers because they are not concern with the consequences of their actions. The only concern they have is to live in the moment, so she tends to agree with them. Would you rather live in the moment? Do you think about the consequences of your actions beforehand? Most people do not think about the consequences until afterwards.
One can only provide the guidance and tools necessary for anyone to avoid a terrible situation. The person will be force to take responsibility for not adhering to the advice given. Furthermore, he or she can only blame their self for the negative consequences he or she will face. Many young women and young men think older folks are “hating” on him or her. “We older folks are jealous.” Why should we be jealous? Many of us older folks do not want to go back and experience the terrible decisions we endured in our past.
As with any older person, we have been there and we have done that. We know the brick walls; we know the disappointments; we know the pains and tears– we know it! It would be wise for younger people to listen to us older folks who know. We are only trying to keep them from making the wrong choices and mistakes as we have. Many would say, “Let me make my own mistakes.” Okay, I get that.” Still, it would be to their benefit to just listen and determine rather or not if it is worth the consequences good or bad. However, I must admit, it is good for him or her to go through the process. The process of learning is cool but the consequence may be destructive. It is best for one to be more concern about the ending result of the choices that he or she makes.
There are consequences good or bad for every decision that one makes. One may think his or hers decision is innocent and mean absolutely nothing. Then my question is why would you do something if it serves no purpose? Who is really fooling whom?