How many times have you heard either “It’s None of Your Business” or “Who Are You to Judge Me?” Christians and non-Christians will be quick to defend their negative behaviors. But, if the truth shall set us free, then let us be “Set Free!” I can give you hundreds of Holy Scriptures to prove that…
How Do We Hold On to Our FAITH?
I don’t know about you, sometimes, I feel as if I am living in some type of Twilight Zone. In today’s times, most of us are beginning to see Prophecy being fulfilled. We are witnessing legalized sins. Sins that folks have made choices to do what’s wrong than what is right. Nowadays, some folks have “Narcissistic Syndrome;” it’s…
Spiritual Violent Conditioning
As I prepare to update my published book “Transforming Lives Using Faith Base Principles to provide Free Community Violence Intervention Prevention Speaking and Training Workshops, I developed the Behavior term Spiritual Violent Conditioning. I have reflected back on the negative and violent behaviors displayed by the over 800 youth that I have served over the…
Are You Enjoying The Ride?
As I sat across from an eighteen year old young woman, I asked the question “why don’t you want to be Saved?” She responded. “I want to curse. I want to fornicate, and I am a liar. I want to do these things without thinking about why I should not be doing it. I don’t…
How to OverCome When “Life Is Pain”
Recently, I heard this statement from the pulpit “LIFE IS PAIN.” The speaker told the congregation to repeat what he had said, so most of the congregation stated, “LIFE IS PAIN.” Immediately, I would not accept that statement, nor would I ‘SPEAK” those words into existence over my life. Life is pain is a complete…