Many times we are reminded that life is not always fun.
As God requires, for those of us who try to live our lives according to St. John 14:23 “Jesus answered and said unto him, If a man love me, he will keep my word: and my Father will love him, and we will come unto him, and make our abode with him.”
Most often, we find more hurt, pain, and suffering than we do the joy that Jesus speaks about in St. John 16:24 “Hitherto have you asked nothing in my name: ask, and you shall receive, that your joy may be made full.” As I research again regarding of this joy that Jesus and his apostles speak of, I have noticed that it is strongly linked to our spiritual selves than our physical being and the tangible things we seek, desire, or that most may have. within our spiritual beings that we are able to have joy in the midst of it all.
Thanks to Adam giving away his authority over the earth to Satan, our daily living requires that we work for everything that we need and or seek after. For those of us who have lost our jobs, homes, and the tangible things that are full of memories of our love ones, we are hurting and do not know how to stop hurting.
We do not know how to trust God anymore.
We no longer know how to look beyond what we are physical, mentally, and emotionally seeking and feeling. When we had some of the things we needed, we had some hope. We can physically see our accomplishments and God moving in our lives. We count on God movements by the things we have gain – our accomplishments in this world.
How do we rest in this joy that Jesus speaks of in the midst of all this sorrows of suffering? We no longer have the good paying job or no job. We no longer have our own nice house. We no longer have the fine clothes and the fancy things that go along with those fine clothes. We no longer have the money to blow on fast foods and restaurants. What about sickness? When our health is not doing well according to the doctors. According to our aches and pains. Thank God for those aches and pains because you are feeling them. Those aches and pains are talking to you. Requiring you to do something. Change your habits for some of you. Others, those aches and pains is another testimony.
How are you looking at your right now circumstances?
Where is our hope, when we are literally feeling the consequences of our lost? Many will tell you to TRUST GOD! “God will bring you out.” Looking back, God has brought you out of your sufferings. Think hard. Sometimes, we must go back and remember God’s resume.
The times that you know, without one doubt, it had to be a God that brought you up and out of your no-way-it-can-be-done circumstances. Yet, here we go again. Psalm 34:19 says, “Many are the afflictions of the righteous; But Jehovah delivered him out of them all.” Delivered – past tense – already done.
We must remember, and it is very hard to remember, that God is the “author and finisher” of our faith as stated in Hebrews 12:1-2: “Therefore let us also, seeing we are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us (2) looking unto Jesus the author and perfecter of [our] faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising shame, and hath sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.”
God ALREADY wrote the script for each of our lives. God already knows what will happen. God allows us to make our own decisions. Yep! We mess-up most of the time, but we have new grace and mercy each day that allows us another opportunity to get it right. The more we “grow-up” in the Word of God, the more we know what God’s will is for each of our lives. The more we stop playing church and start being the Church, the more we are strong to endure the afflictions that come our way.
I know that it is hard for us to remember, being in this flesh, looking and feeling all that we are enduring right now, that we are being prepared in order to reign with our God, our Lord, and Savior Jesus Christ forever in the eternal. Our Lord, that we confessed and gave permission, is preparing us as His bride – the Church.
Like all brides, there is a preparation period. The “Bride” must be pure without any blemishes (sins). That is why women go through the rituals of losing weight, finding the right wedding dress, and hiring a makeup artist just to name a few. Although, these are external things the bride must do. God is more concern about the internal stuff on the inside of us. The “Bride” must be able to trust, without one doubt, the husband. Our “Husband” is Jesus Christ our Lord, and Savior. He is the very best Husband that a man or woman of God can have.
We forget that Satan is around us. Trying to steal your hope, your faith and trust in God.
Satan is in your ear constantly telling you that God does not care. Yep! I know it. Satan is in my ear too. We have the power to tell Satan. “I REBUKE YOU SATAN.” YOU ARE UNDER MY FEET.” If Satan still does not move, you take authority. “SATAN, YOU ARE TRESPASSING AND YOU GOT TO GO!” THE BLOOD OF JESUS IS AGAINST YOU” GO NOW IN JESUS NAME!
With all that you are enduring, the tears are flowing; the mind wants to give up along with the flesh. Hold On! Cry if you must. Scream if you must. Just do not give up. Take your authority in Christ Jesus and do the following:
Rebuke Satan!
REPENT For not having faith and tell God, “please forgive me for not trusting you. Help me with my unbelief.”
STAND on God’s promises (Word) in the midst of the tears, pain, and sorrow.
PRAISE God for what He has Already Done!
REJOICE in what He has Already Done!
WAIT on the manifestation!