I have been discerning behaviors from some of my Church Home members of whom I am more of just an associate to them than “family.” These are people who I see briefly only on Sundays. When I tagged them and or message them in Facebook, I am ignored for the most part. But they are not the only ones. I, also, reach out to the seasoned Christians of who were at the beginning of my spiritual journey as a very young adult.
Recently, God has been giving me an increase of revelation knowledge regarding sin and righteousness that I frequently share on Facebook. Whatever revelation knowledge God pours into me, I pour onto you. Therefore, I have become the “Night Light.” I am that little light that just gives a little exposure so a person can “see” their way clear for that moment. The “Night Light” that is only used when necessary. As that “Night Light,” the revelation knowledge ascertained goes against most of the Baptist denomination faith of “Once Saved Always SAVED” no matter if one walks in righteousness or not.
A Christian will go to heaven (Romans 8; 35-39) just as long as he or she asks for forgiveness. There is not a strong emphasis to live a life of righteousness although sometimes preach from the pulpit. I do not understand why righteousness is not preach and or taught often during Sunday morning worship at most churches especially Biblical prophecy is being fulfilled right before our eyes.
A Christian cannot receive the “Benefits” of the Covenant of God without righteousness through obedience. Without righteousness, they only receive Grace and Mercy.
I have only been a member of the Baptist faith for three years and a few months. This is not my first time. I was a member of Fellowship M.B Church for 8 years 30 years ago. Then I was a young adult who did not know that I had a calling on my life and my spiritual gifts were just being stirred. I just knew that I was “peculiar” compared to the other young adults. Now, it is my seeing understanding that most Christian behaviors are “float your own boat and don’t rock it.” Those that I shared my concerns are afraid to speak up and or grieve their own anointing because they do not want to cause “trouble.” So just let it be. I understand, for when I bring revelation knowledge, I appear to them as “judging, negative, weird and or self-righteous.”
I am told the obvious “just pray” or “we are at different spiritual levels.” “People will do what they want to do.” “It is none of your business” (I thought this too until now.) Thousands of Christians practice sin failing terribly to spiritually understand how their unrighteous behaviors indeed have a direct impact of which “Anointing” will be “Release” to their churches from the Holy of Holies.
My major concern is not to be a “Night Light” exposing other’s sins, for who am I to do so? My major concern is why souls ARE NOT coming forth. And as a prophet of God’s entire Body, I hold the position to ask and intercede. It is not just my Third Baptist Church of Chicago church home that I represent. I represent the entire Body of Christ. I am held accountable too and not just our Pastor.
As I stated numerous times that when a person becomes SAVED by (1) Sincerely repenting of their sins; (2) believing in their heart and (3) confessing with their mouths Christ Jesus (Romans 10:9-10) their “Measure of Faith (Romans 12:3) is “Activated” and he she enters into Covenant with God, Jesus Christ, and the Comforter (Holy Spirit). The Convert now receives all the “Benefits” and “Power” through the Comforter to resist sin as follow:
“There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that you are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that you may be able to bear it.” (1st Corinthians 10:13)
“And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness…” (2nd Corinthians 12:9)
“Now unto him that is able to keep you from falling…” (St. Jude 1:24)
“He will not let your foot slip…” (Psalm 121:3)
“Many afflictions are the Righteous but God delivers them out of them all” (Psalm 34:19)
Therefore, if a Christian says that he or she cannot help but to sin, they are liars and the truth is not in them. “Let God be true, but every man a liar.” (Romans 3:4) “God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth” (St. John 4:24).
There lies the MAJOR problem of why the Anointing of Souls is not coming forth. All of us are not serving God in “Spirit and Truth.” There are Christians who are out of Covenant with God serving within their churches.
Let’s make it plain.
Most Christians, no matter what Christian denomination they belong to, DOES NOT WANT JESUS CHRIST TO BE LORD OVER THEIR LIVES. They do not want to obey the 1,050 New Testament Commandments that “rocks” their own theology. Most just want all the Benefit’s promises, so they “follow” the rules “to get” while others just want the “Tell Me Something Good” theology. Many Christians believe the FALSE theology of “Once SAVED always SAVED” and “I am a Sinner SAVED by Grace” giving many a lying excuse to practice sin and or not grow spiritually. Just as long as they give God a “shout out” then it’s all good!
Most Christians just asked God to forgive them and tell God when to do so. Because their minds have not been renewed according to Romans 12-1-2, they do not change their behaviors. It’s the same old thing just with a twist of religion added to make them feel good about themselves instead of glorifying God. They do not take heed or want to understand the concepts and consequences of practice sins and how those practice sins break their Covenant with God. These are the Christians who quickly want to tell “the devil he is a liar” and or say that “the devil is busy” failing to spiritually understand that their practice sins have broken covenant and fellowship with God and that their choice to practice sin allows Satan to be the lord over and in their lives playing in Satan’s playground.
It is not until the Christian sincerely repents that he or she is reconciled back to God in covenant and fellowship. They are just being religious as far best. They shout and they praise God. They are extremely active within their church home “but their hearts are far from God.” Yes. They have deceived themselves (2 Timothy 3:13) into believing that all is well when not. They do not stop to “Consider their ways” (Haggi 1:7)
The Holy Spirit revealed to me that there is “Sin in the Camp” (Joshua Chapter 7) as to the reason why Souls are not coming forth during Sunday worship services. Most churches ignore the problem of having “Sin in the Camp” and it is a commandment for the Pastor to “removed them” from being active in any role of the church. (1st Corinthians 5: 1-13) Because there is “Sin in the Camp” Souls ARE NOT going to come forth.
Any Church within the Body of Christ must be “Well Deserving” of receiving Souls. It goes way beyond providing food and supporting various causes and programs of the church. The same passion to provide food and other supportive well-worth services in the church and in the community must be greater for the Anointing for Souls. Churches must get God’s approval to receive the Anointing for Souls. They must seek God’s righteousness and dwell in Righteousness. God’s Righteousness is the Spiritual Principle to “activate” and receive the Anointing for Souls.
Serving God in spirit and truth is His righteousness and that is the ONLY way.