Please God, please tell me why, God Why?
How many times have you heard one ask “why does not God do something about all the bad in the world, or “it was that person’s time to die, or that person was in the wrong place at the wrong time, or why did God take my baby or love one from me.”
Although the emotions are real, most have said these types of comments out of ignorance to the knowledge of the Word of God and their lack of faith in a Holy and Righteous God. Moreover, one does not stop to think that their lifestyle may be the cause to such tragedies within their lives. This is not in all cases of tragedy, but it is for many who do not lived their lives in obedience to God.
I am not speaking against the missionaries and others who are doing the will of God, so do not get what I am writing twisted. We know the dangers of evil. Many of Jesus disciples died doing the will of God. I am speaking of those who are disobedient to God and question why bad things are happening to him or her. God tells us to “consider our ways” (Haggai: 1:7). One should consider their ways before blaming God and others.
God always warns the righteous before an event occurs, so the righteous can escape. However, if the righteous does not adhere to the warning, then it is out of their own disobedience that he or she has met their fate.
People, in our finite thinking, are always trying to make sense of something that cannot be explained or when tragedy occurs. Furthermore, a person cannot expect God to fight his or hers battles: sickness, poverty and the other life challenges or the bad things happening, if the person lives a raggedy Christian life.
Those who are obedient to God and walk in love are God’s righteous sake. It is not enough for one to simply believe and join a church. The “act” of itself does not make one righteous with God. After a person repents and receives salvation by his or her own confession of faith in God, that person is no longer under the “law or curse.”
The person is made righteous through the blood of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. However, one should come into the knowledge of God. It is not enough to be a “good” person doing “good” things. One must be the righteous of God meaning right standing with God by walking with God and abiding in God’s word.
There is not one scripture stating that a person cannot lose their salvation if one is not in right standing with God abiding in God’s word. Yes. The person is saved by the grace of God, but God commands that we love Him completely and that we love our neighbors. If one does not love God completely by abiding in his word, and if one does not love their neighbor, then they are not the righteousness of God.
For those who are of the righteousness of God, God has promise: “In righteousness will you be established: you will be far from oppression; for you will not fear: and from terror; for it shall not come near you. Behold, they shall surely gather together, but not by me: whosoever shall gather together against you will fall for your sake.” (Isaiah 54:14-15). This is just one of the promises that God has for his righteous sake.
My favorite part of the entire verse is “Behold, they shall surely gather together, but not by me.” Otherwise, evil will come but NOT by God. Another promise is that “No weapon that is formed against you will prosper; and every tongue that will rise against you in judgment YOU condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD, and their righteousness is of me, says the LORD.” (Isaiah 54:17).
You see, God did not say that bad things were not going to be formed, otherwise appear, to be against you. The key word is formed which can mean appear. God said that the results from the bad things that appear would not prosper. Therefore, one already has the victory of knowing that whatever appears will not destroy you, so one should never fear, but stand on God’s promises. However, if you lived a raggedy Christian life, than how can God’s word work in your life or the life of your love ones?
You can only stand on the promises of God when you are doing your part by loving God with all of your heart, your soul, and your mind, and loving your neighbor as you do yourself. Your desire should be that every time God looks at you, God smiles. To love God means to abide in God’s word. God says that those that love me – abide in me, are those who are mines. “If you abide in me, and my words abide in you, you shall ask what you will, and it shall be done unto you” (St. John 15:7). This is another promise of God.
As I have shared before that, I do not believe in “common sense.” What makes “common sense” to you may not make “common sense” to me and what make “common sense” to me may not make “common sense” to you. The “common sense” determines are lives conditioning. Therefore, if I say that God told me not to do something, one may not understand or it will not make “common sense” to that person, or if I say “I am going to pray about it.” Most people look at you very strangely, although he or she may be a Christian.
Furthermore, we do not always know the starting point of a tragedy or tragedy of events. We cannot say this or that about any – thing; we just do not know. And, those who think that they know the answers to the unexplained are arrogant to say the very least.
God says, “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, said the LORD. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts. For as the rain cometh down, and the snow from heaven, and returned not thither, but watered the earth, and makes it bring forth and bud, that it may give seed to the sower, and bread to the eater: So shall my word be that goes forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it”. (Isaiah 55:8-11)
Anyone can justify their opinion or may be able to prove that “there is no God” because of the horrible things and tragic events that occur in the world, which we lived. However, we – all of us, must take responsibility for our actions to why the world is what it is in the physical.
Many tragic events occur because of just plain-ole sin. Sometimes, tragic deaths occur to the sin that most practice in their lives, unforgiveness of others, generational curses, worshipping idol gods and worshipping others, worshipping money and material things, or not loving and caring for others as we should, or mistreating and using others – just plain ole disobedience – period!
As I have stated before, most Christian’s are just religious. I have said that we must stop being religious. Either one is going to be obedient to his or hers Salvation or not. Either one will have faith in the only Holy Living God through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ or not.
Most Christian believers say they believe in a God and that Jesus Christ died for our sins. That is good, so does the demons, for St. James 2:19 tells us that “Thou believe that there is one God; thou do well: the devils also believe, and tremble.” To me, it is to say, so what that you believe, what does your life speak and what does your words speak?
One’s salvation and faith in our God cannot be, “yeah, it is okay to believe, but one must be realistic.” What is that?” We are not in the twilight zone.
Repeatedly, I have heard these types of comments among Christian believers. When Christian believers make these types of comments, neither he nor she really believes that God’s word is true or that God really exists. Again, these Christians are making God to be only a religion. Otherwise, God is a convenient. Therefore, when one says, “one must be realistic” or “God’s willed for that person to die or to be sick.” It is with their own words, they have defeated their victory in faith in the will of God, which is God’s Holy word.
Most of these ignorant comments made by Christians are because he or she does not know their God. Therefore, most do not know the will of God. It is because he or she does not spend the time to study and pray God’s word. It is because he or she refuses to become discipline. To become righteous, one must become discipline that means, one must give up some old habits and some folks.
I mean how many times does God have to give a Christian believer, what I called a “Holy Ghost Whipping” before one get a clue. How many times does one have to “go-through” the same or similar situations repeatedly before one learns, so one can mature and go on to the next level in their life.
Christian believers must seek God’s righteousness. Christians must study the Word of God – the Holy Bible and walk in God’s righteousness. It is not about being religious. It is not about quoting scriptures or toting a Holy Bible for all to see. It is one’s life style. It is you not being religious but having a genuine personal relationship with the God, Lord and Savior, that you said, you love.
It is not about the things that you do not, but it is about the things you do for the right reasons. Does God receive the glory each time you do the things you do? Are you doing the things you do to seek rewards or praise from others? Do you think that you are all of that just because you do not do certain sins like those other so-called Christian folks – those church people?
Just because one said, “Jesus” or “praise the Lord or,” the popular, “giving honor to God who is the head of my life,” does not mean that neither he nor she really loves the Lord our God. It is just lip service. God said; “So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, will I spew thee out of my mouth.” (Revelations: 3:16), and “This people honors me with their lips, but their heart is far from me.” (St. Mark 7:6)
Yes, you will sin, but you should not practice sin. The practice of sexual sins, worshipping other idol gods and people, selfishness, greed, unforgiveness, mistreatment of others, and other sins are abominations that Christians, not unbelievers, but Christians are doing to God that constitutes sin in the land. Therefore, there is sin in the land.
God’s solution:
“If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land” (2nd Chronicles 7:14)
Furthermore, God has so many promises for those who walk upright before him: “For the LORD God is a sun and shield: the LORD will give grace and glory: no good thing will he withhold from them that walk uprightly “(Psalms 84:11).
“In that I command thee this day to love the LORD your God, to walk in his ways, and to keep his commandments and his statutes and his judgments, that YOU will live and multiply: and the LORD your God shall bless you.” (Deuteronomy 30:16 – read the full chapter)
I know that many people question and think that God has allowed all the bad things to happen. I know that many people feel that it is better not to question God to why bad things do happen (again being religious).
The Holy Spirit gave me instructions to help those who seek counseling, and they have worked repeatedly, so follow the steps below:
First, I asked him or her do they believe in God.
I asked them do they believe that Jesus Christ died for their sins, and what does it mean to them.
Then, I tell them that I want them to go to God first before I counsel them.
I tell them to go to a place where it is just them and God.
I tell them to get ugly-humble before God and repent. I mean scream, cry – snot, boogers and all to get it all out – come completely clean.
I tell them to tell God all that you feel and all that you have done.
I tell them to tell God of your fears and your sins.
I tell them to tell God that you are too weak to fight these sinful challenges on your own and you need HELP! Tell God!
Why do I tell people who are seeking counseling to go to God first?
Simple, I do not have the answers to his or hers problems, but God does.
That person must go to back to the Creator – God first.
In doing so, God has promise that the Holy Spirit will reveal the truth to him or her: “Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will show you things to come.” (St. John 16:13)
Those who I have counseled, I rarely hear from again after three counseled sessions. God is now in complete control over his or hers life. Many have continued to walk in obedience for the love of God, and they have prospered in the areas of their lives. Ever now or then, my sisters, brothers, sons or daughters (I do not called them clients) will call me for a little guidance, and that is okay with me.
You see, I am writing to you for what I know works, for I have gone through many of life challenges. The greatest have been sickness and near death experiences of more than one occasion. I had to learn to trust God no matter what appears to be. I had to look pass my finite thinking and learn to trust God and what God has said in his Word.
It feels so good to get the victory over sickness and other areas in the lives of my family and me. It feels good that I can live daily not worrying about bills, food, or shelter. It is so assuring knowing that God will answer my prayers.
More importantly, I know that my love ones and I have God’s protection. God lets me know each time that I am His, and that makes me want more of God and to do more for God, for God is truly faithful.
My assurance is that I can come boldly to the thrown of Grace, because I know that I walk upright before God. Therefore, God has to do what He said that He would do for my love ones and for me (my house). In confidence, I could not come to the thrown of Grace if I lived my life in disobedience to God. Because, I live my life in obedience, God must keep his promises. God will not fail himself. Therefore, God will not fail his promises, for God is the Word.
Blessed Be God!
Righteousness works! I tell ya, righteousness does work!
Go to God for yourself. God will answer your questions of why this or that has happen in your life. God will answer your questions concerning your love ones. However, you must be honest with yourself and with God. Once one start to walk in righteousness, things will change for the better, and you will know how to trust God in the times of trouble. You will have peace.
God is waiting to hear from you.