My relationship with God is a covenant. I am God’s daughter and I relate to God as my Heavenly Father. I have an earthly father whom is steward over me. With the same admiration for both fathers, God is the Supreme. Do I relate to both fathers the same way? Of course, I do not. “One can only worship God in Spirit and in Truth. God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship in spirit and truth” (St. John: 4:24)
So, why do most deceive themselves that they believe in God?
The truth of the matter, those who say they believe in God really do not. Most do a religious role without knowing it. It is during the times of testing that truth of their true “belief” in God is reveal. Most of the time, it is the hardest life challenges that most human beings cannot take. It is the adversity, sickness, and even death, when ones truth faith is known.
To relate to God, we must become intimate. We become intimate with God as we take time to learn the Holy Scriptures and as we pray daily. As we communicate to God our thoughts and desires. Admitting and confessing our weakness and our sins to recognize that we need God in our lives to be Lord. Asking God for guidance acknowledging God before we do anything, as a child ask their parent’s permission to do something. It is the same with God. As some parents know what is best for their child, God knows what is best for you.
Attending worship services and bible studies become a part of our intimacy with God when we are not being religious. Remember being religious is a repeated practice. Being religious is taking on a role. In my opinion and base upon my experiences, a role is a responsibility of a short or long-term commitment of character or position. The person who takes on a role has become religious by reacting the same character and or behaviors repeatedly.
A role is an act regardless of the level of respect, for many roles are self-serving. The role can manipulate for a purpose to receive. “If I act or do this, I can get this, that, him, or her.” However, many have become so religious that he or she can no longer determine the difference after a while fooling only their self to a deceitfulness of blindness.
For many, tested are the roles for its uniqueness, authenticity, and strength, but also, a person’s love, obedience, and respect for the covenant of God. In addition, Trials and tribulations tools come at various levels in our lives according to God’s purpose producing all that God has within you.
Our responsibility is to learn God’s will and purpose for our lives that can only occur through trial and tribulation. There is no other way. One must go through. The key – you are going through – you are not to stay in adversity. You are not to stay in sickness or disease.
We must seek God in EVERYTHING we do. We learn the responsibility of allowing God to be lord. However, most do not learn this until we are most vulnerable the most weak. Our vulnerability comes, most of time, when we have absolutely no control over an event that has taken place in our life. When we have give-up our authority, it is only then a resolution is reveal. Produce are new talents or gifts. Produce are new levels of faith that will strengthen you during multiple adversities.
The new levels of faith are the Holy Scriptures live. The Word of God is coming to life within you for God’s purpose for you to accept. “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith Jehovah. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts. For as the rain comes down and the snow from heaven, and returns not, but waters the earth, and makes it bring forth and bud, and gives seed to the sower and bread to the eater; so shall my word be that goes forth out of my mouth. It shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it” (Isaiah 55”:8-11)
You are no longer just reading and studying the Holy Scriptures, you begin to live the Holy Scriptures too. You will begin to become one with the Holy Scriptures, thus becoming one with God. God’s covenant promises being perform during every pain-staking trial or tribulation while the tools digs, strips and molds you to becoming what God wants you to be.
Spirit-filled Believers become weak too. Do not allow those of us to fool you. It is especially hard for Spirit-filled Believers because we are the Soldiers of Christ for the entire Body of Christ. We need prayer too, for our faith weakens during certain adversities too. Every word we proclaim and act, our love, and obedience for God severely tested.
The righteous sake of God endures many afflictions. Those afflictions constitute questions of our existence. Sometimes God does not answer those questions during the hardest unbelievable and longest adversities of trials and tribulations. Yet, God is right there at every moment even when it seems, as if, God is not there. When you do not hear from God, you will seek Him the more like a nagging child. It is another level of faith to seek God. Most give up asking for help when there is no response.
God knows how much you need him, but do you?
Sickness, disease, or even death is elements of adversity for human life that no one can escape. I find enduring sickness and disease are the hardest trials and tribulations of adversity too. Enduring sickness and or diseases are the loneliest too, for one does feel alone even in the midst of a crowded room of visitors.
Depending upon the human element, can leave us helpless, hopeless, weak, tired, and on the verge of death. Sometimes severe adversities help you to become so humble that you have no choice but to release yourself to God. It is during our weakness that many of us submit ourselves to God. It is only then that most of us will release our selfish motives and let God be God.
Because you or your love ones healing may take an hour to several years until it comes to past, you have to be real with your relationship with God. Your religious role will not help you in time of need, for “pretending faith” will not work. That is why; one cannot afford to play the religious “role.”
How can I see past the sickness, disease, or even when death is knocking?
When sickness and disease come, you must have within you what it takes to look at your circumstances and see God looking through your spiritual eyes. “For in hope were we saved: but hope that is seen is not hope: for who hopes for that which he sees? But, if we hope for that which we see not, [then] do we with patience wait for it. (Romans: 8:24-25)
You will know when you are growing, for you will see your circumstances differently. The more you dedicate your entire being to being committed to God, the more you will submit yourself to God. The more you will study the Holy Scriptures. The more you will pray. The more you will become obedient walking in the Love of God to all those whom you meet. The more you will become a cheerful giver realizing that is not material things that makes you happy, but helping others with, the guiding of the Holy Spirit, their needs and or desires. And you will do all of this while going through your adversity.
I learn and am learning it is not Lorraine; it is God that I live, breath, and having my being as I submit myself through every adversity and through every trial. I learn. “Lord, I give myself to you for you to use me.” “Not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit, saith Jehovah of hosts” (Zechariah 4:6)
I have learned through my trials and tribulations that “many are the afflictions of the righteous; But Jehovah delivers him out of them all. (Psalms: 34:19). That is your answer. God will not reject you if you are, indeed, God’s righteous sake, for God cannot reject his own righteousness. You must hold on to it like a dog with a bone between its teeth.
Confess daily that “And we know that to them that love God all things work together for good, [even] to them that are called according to [his] purpose” (Romans: 8: 28)
Seek an anointed righteous of God (Not self-righteous church folks) a prayer support group of, and have them to pray for you and your love ones.
When you least expect it, suddenly, God will come and deliver you or your love one like a Spiritual tornado wiping out all adversity of sickness, disease, and death.
Trust God by looking at your circumstances through your spiritual eyes, and you will be encouraged.